Lacchini, Giovanni Battista
Atlante celeste : contenente tutte le stelle visibili ad occhio nudo, le doppie, le variabili, le nuove, gli ammassi e le nebulose principali, gli spettri delle stelle fino alla quinta grandezza / Giovanni Battista Lacchini. - 4. ed. - Faenza (RA) : Lega, 1969. - 16 p., <2> c. di tav. ripieg., 43 c. di tav. : tab. num. ; 25 cm
Segnatura: n-Ast. 15
Landau, Lev Davidovic
What is the theory of relativity / L. Landau, Yu. Rumer ; translated from the Russian by A. Zdornykh. - Moskva : Mir, 1961. - 60, <1> p. : ill. ; 20 cm
Tit. orig.: Cto takoe teorija otnositel'nosti
Segnatura: n-Ast. 106
Lang, Kenneth R.
A source book in astronomy and astrophysics : 1900-1975 / edited by Kenneth R. Lang and Owen Gingerich. - Cambridge, Mass. ; London : Harvard University Press, 1979. - XX, 922 p. : ill., tab., diagr. ; 29 cm. - (Source books in the history of the sciences)
Scritti di vari
ISBN/ISSN/Impr.: 0-674-82200-5
Segnatura: n-Ast. 77
Lee, Linda K.
Interpreting land use change through satellite imagery / Linda K. Lee. - Washington, D.C. : United States Department of agriculture. Economics, statistics, and cooperatives service, 1979. - 18 p. : c. geogr., tab. ; 26 cm. - (Agricultural economic report; 442)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 137
Lee, Steven
Martian clouds data workshop / edited by Steven Lee ; sponsored by Lunar and planetary institute ; hosted by Laboratory for atmospheric and space physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, june 3-5, 1987. - Houston, Tex. : Lunar and planetary institute, 1987?. - <4>, 27 p. : tab., diagr. ; 28 cm. - (LPI technical report; 87-03)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 236
Lee, Steven
MECA workshop on Dust on mars II / edited by Steven Lee ; sponsored by the Lunar and planetary institute, National aereonautics and space administration ; hosted by Arizona state university, Tempe, Arizona, february 24-26, 1986. - Houston, Tex. : Lunar and planetary institute, 1986?. - <4>, 79 p. : diagr. ; 28 cm. - (LPI technical report; 86-09)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 238
Lee, Steven
Workshop on Dust on mars / edited by Steven Lee ; sponsored by Lunar and planetary institute ; hosted by Arizona State university, Tempe, Arizona, february 4-5, 1985. - Houston, Tex. : Lunar and planetary institute, 1985?. - <4>, III, <3>, 23 p. : diagr. ; 28 cm. - (LPI technical report; 85-02)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 239
Leonardi, Piero
Vulcani e bolidi sulla Luna e su Marte / Piero Leonardi. - Calliano (TN) : Manfrini, 1971. - 435 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. + 1 c. di tav. ripieg.
Pubblicato con il contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. - Bibliogr.: p. 405-435
Segnatura: n-Ast. 127
Lerner, Eric J.
Il big bang non c'è mai stato / Eric J. Lerner. - Bari : Dedalo, 1994. - 494 p. : ill., diagr. ; 21 cm. - (La scienza nuova / <Dedalo>; 97)
Tit. orig.: The big bang never happened
ISBN/ISSN/Impr.: 88-220-0197-4
Segnatura: n-Ast. 269
Lindley, W.M.
Observations of variable stars : 1930-1934 : preface to twelfth report of the Section for observation of variable stars compiled under the directorship of W.M. Lindley. - London : British astronomical association, 1958. - 18 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - (Memoirs of the British astronomical association; 38.1)
Nome dell'A. della pref. a p. 9
Segnatura: n-Ast. 186
Lipunov, V.M.
In the world of binary stars / V.M. Lipunov. - Moskva : Mir, 1989. - 324 p. : ill. ; 17 cm. - (Science for everyone)
Tit. orig.: V mire dvojnich zvezd
ISBN/ISSN/Impr.: 5-03-000528-5
Segnatura: n-Ast. 291
Logunov, A.A.
Gravitation and elementary particle physics / edited by A.A. Logunov ; translated from the Russian by Valerii Ilyushchenko. - Moskva : Mir, 1983. - 294 p. ; 22 cm. - (Advances in science and technology in the USSR. Physics series)
Tit. orig.: Gravitacija i fizika elementarnych castic
Scritti di vari
Segnatura: n-Ast. 109
Lowell, Percival
Mars / by Percival Lowell. - <S.l.> : History of astronomy reprints, 1978. - VIII, 228 p., <25> c. di tav. : ill. ; 23 cm
Ed. di 1.000 esempl.
Ripr. facs. dell'ed.: <S.l.> : Houghton Mifflin, 1895
Segnatura: n-Ast. 92
Lowell, Percival
Observations of the planet Mars during the opposition of 1894-5 made at Flagstaff, Arizona / Percival Lowell. - Boston, Mass. ; New York, N.Y. : Houghton Mifflin, 1898. - XI, 391 p., XXI c. di tav. : ill., tab. ; 31 cm. - (Annals of the Lowell observatory; 1)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 81
Lundquist, Charles A.
Skylab's astronomy and space sciences / edited by Charles A. Lundquist. - Washington, D.C. : NASA. Scientific and technical information branch, 1979. - VI, 122 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. - (NASA SP; 404)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 43
Lyons, Thomas R.
Cultural resources remote sensing / edited by Thomas R. Lyons and Frances Joan Mathien. - Washington, D.C. : National park service. Cultural resources management division, 1980. - IX, 390 p. : ill. ; 28 cm
Scritti di vari
Sul front.: Remote sensing division, Southwest cultural resources center, National park service and University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Segnatura: n-Ast. 86