Wald, Robert M.
Teoria del big bang e buchi neri / Robert M. Wald. - 3. rist. - Torino : Boringhieri, 1983. - 155 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. - (Universale scientifica / [Boringhieri]; 198)
Tit. orig.: Space, time and gravity
Segnatura: n-Ast. 132
Waugh, Albert E.
Sundials : their theory and construction / Albert E. Waugh. - New York, N.Y. : Dover, 1973. - XII, 228 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Dover books explaining science)
ISBN/ISSN/Impr.: 0-486-22947-5
Segnatura: n-Ast. 165
Webb society
Webb society deep-sky observer's handbook / compiled by the Webb society ; editor: Kenneth Glyn Jones. - Short Hills, N.J. : Enslow publishers ; Guildford ; London : Lutterworth, 1979-1981. - 4 v. : ill., tab. ; 24 cm
1 : Double stars. - 1981. - VIII, 120 p. - USA ISBN 0-89490-027-7 ; UK ISBN 0-7188-2433-4
2 : Planetary and gaseous nebulae / collaborating authors: David A. Allen, Edmund S. Barker. - 1979. - X, 149 p. - USA ISBN 0-89490-028-5 ; UK ISBN 0-7188-2434-2
3 : Open and globular clusters / written and illustrated by Edmund S. Barker ; with a foreword by Helen Sawyer Hogg. - 1980. - XIV, 206 p. - USA ISBN 0-89490-034-X ; UK ISBN 0-7188-2468-7
4 : Galaxies / written and illustrated by Edmund S. Barker ; with a foreword by Halton Arp. - 1981. - XVI, 238 p. - USA ISBN 0-89490-050-1 ; UK ISBN 0-7188-2527-6
Segnatura: n-Ast. 29 (A-D)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 29 (B)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 29 (C)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 29 (D)
Webb society
Webb society deep-sky observer's handbook / compiled by the Webb society ; editor: Kenneth Glyn Jones. - 2. ed. - Hillside, N.J. ; Aldershot : Enslow publishers, 1986-. - v. : ill., tab. ; 24 cm
1 : Double stars / written by Robert W. Argyle ; illustrated by John Levis ; with a foreword by Paul Couteau. - 1986. - XX, 165 p. - ISBN 0-89490-122-2
Poss. vol. 1
Segnatura: n-Ast. 30 (A)
Webb, Thomas William
Celestial objects for common telescopes / by T.W. Webb ; edited and revised by Margaret W. Mayall. - New York, N.Y. : Dover, 1962. - 2 v. (XXVI, 255; XIII, 351 p.), <21> c. di tav. : ill., tab. ; 21 cm. - (Dover books on astronomy)
Ripr. riveduta e aumentata della 6. ed.: <S.l.> : Longmans, Green & Co., 1917
ISBN/ISSN/Impr.: 0-486-20917-2 (1.v.)* / 0-486-20918-0 (2.v.)*
Segnatura: n-Ast. 102 (A-B)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 102 (B)
Wepner, Wolfgang
291 Doppelstern Ephemeriden für die Jahre 1975-2000 / Wolfgang Wepner ; herausgegeben von Hans Vehrenberg. - Dusseldorf : Treugesell Verlag, 1976?. - 100 p. : tab. ; 26 cm
Segnatura: n-Ast. 10